Purchasing this warranty replacement product will pay for return shipping of the warranty item. First, contact us to verify that your product is under warranty and to find out what our plans are for replacement. Our QuickLIFT products have a 4 year warranty (for base QuickLIFT and QuickLIFT PLUS), 5 year warranty on (QuickLIFT ELITE). Redline Tuning will pay for return shipping on product issues for up to 1 year from date of purchase, after that time the warranty is good but the customer is responsible for shipping to us. As mentioned above, purchasing this warranty replacement product will pay for return shipping of the warranty item (shipping of replacement product back to you).
Only return current defective item if directed to do so - you will use the information below for that. Otherwise, most times we can handle the warranty replacement by getting good photos of the issue and we will not need to have anything returned to us.
Please send current package to us at (ONLY IF DIRECTED TO DO SO BY REDLINE TUNING):
Redline Tuning Inc. (Warranty Order # FILL IN HERE) 6087 Jackson Rd. Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. SHIPPING ADDRESS address to be included with return package, if different from that address used here. 2. Part number and description of system you wish have sent back to you. 3. Email address and phone number.